
Welcome to our Ultimate Frisbee training program, where we combine fitness and Frisbee skills to take your game to new heights. Our dynamic training sessions are designed to not only improve your physical fitness, but also sharpen your Frisbee skills. From perfecting your throws to mastering field positioning and sharpening your defensive skills, our comprehensive approach ensures that every participant, regardless of experience, becomes a versatile Ultimate Frisbee player. Whether you are an experienced player or a beginner, everyone is welcome.

What do you need for Frisbee training?
- Comfortable sports clothes
– Sportschoenen op vrijdag (Sept tot Maart) voor indoor training.
- Sports shoes with studs (like football or field hockey shoes), bring these for our Tuesday outdoor training
- Bottle of water

New? Come and join one of our trainingsYou are always welcome!

Tuesday Training
Time: Tuesday from 19.30 till 21.30
Location: Training field Disc Devils Twente
J J Van Deinselaan 30, 7541 PE Enschede
(Parking at Ballorig Enschede)
Google Maps

Friday Training (begin March until begin September)
Time: Friday from 18.00 till 19.30
Location: Gerrit Jan van Heek Park
Gerrit Jan van Heekpark Enschede
Google Maps

Friday Training (end September until end February)
Tijd: vrijdag van 17:45 tot 18:45
Locatie: Diekmanhal
J.J. van Deinselaan 22, 7541 BD Enschede
(Parkeren voor de Diekmanhal is mogelijk)
Google Maps

In principle, adult training courses take place all year round (not bound to school holidays).