Indoor Competition Adults 2019 – 2020
Third day – January 19
Team: Jennique, Enno, Matthias, Rhino, Sjoerd, Hinderik, Stephanie, Marthe (supporter)
The third day was in Almere. This time, the decent starting time did not mean a short competition day: an afternoon filled with four games.
After picking-up Enno and Marthe in Apeldoorn and dropping off Nienke at Almere’s other sports hall, we arrived and were ready for warm-up.
The first game was against Gronical Dizziness 2, for whom it was also the first game of the day. We traded points up to around 4-4, after which they took off. They were faster and we couldn’t stop their offence. We were too slow and had some imprecisions in our throws. We managed to make follow-up points by the end of the game, but not enough to bridge the gap. GD ended up winning 10 – 8. The good thing is : Marthe played! 🙂
The second game wasn’t far ahead. We didn’t need to warm up again, just setting up our goals for the game. We’d be facing Veenendaal Tijgers. They were just six players. The game was slower than the first one, but with some pressure. We felt we could have done better. They showed a stronger will at the end. It ended up as a tie score! Well done Tijgers!
A long break… we had time to eat, and some of us (Marthe, Enno and Matthias) even played a card game. A little warm-up and we were ready. UTKA proved themselves a team of young, fast players, but our zone defense really helped. They won 12-11, but we did well and gave everything, which felt good!
The last game was against UFO 2. This was also a tough game and still our zone D worked! They were just a bit too experienced, and fitter? Or were we getting tired? The game ended with 8 – 11 for UFO.
All in all, we didn’t win any games that day. However, we had good fights and still finished with a smile on our face. Should we have the next few trainings on working through some offensive plays? 😉